Tubular Polishing Wheels-1/4” Shaft


For pistol & die grinders

For high-quality final surface finishing operations. Made of top-quality cotton, the Meta-Polish wheels on shaft are highly recommended for the following industrial fields: chemical and food plants, stainless steel furniture production, automotive, railways, aeronautic, stainless steel, and structural construction work.

45-0002 45-0021

SKU: 304609d632ab Categories: ,


DimensionArt.-NoMaterialMax R.P.MBox
1 ½'' x 2'' x 1/4''45-0002Cotton4 50010
2 ½'' x 2 ½'' x 1/4''45-0021Cotton4 50010


For pistol & die grinders

For high-quality final surface finishing operations. Made of top-quality cotton, the Meta-Polish wheels on shaft are highly recommended for the following industrial fields: chemical and food plants, stainless steel furniture production, automotive, railways, aeronautic, stainless steel, and structural construction work.

45-0002 45-0021